Thoughts and Such

Once upon a time, long before we thought about podcasting, we blogged about being millennial Pastors!

It stemmed from the book that this website shares a name with. So, here is our blogroll archive in all of its glory.

… and if you couldn’t figure it out, we are making a joke about boomers being bloggers because all millennials have podcacts and blogs are outdated…

#Blessed #Hashtag #ItStartedAsABook

We’re a church, just not quite like you’re used to – A guest post by Sophie Callahan, Pastor @ The Possibility Project

We’re a church, just not quite like you’re used to – A guest post by Sophie Callahan, Pastor @ The Possibility Project

As you may have heard on the podcast, Sophie shares more on her pastorate, her church and her general thoughts on living out a Christian ethic. In this post she shares some of her efforts in reimagining the church body as well as her efforts in living out a Christian ethic, especially in the area of consumerism.

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You Want Me To Do What? – How the Established Church Responded to a Millennial Pastor

You Want Me To Do What? – How the Established Church Responded to a Millennial Pastor

Since writing the book The Millennial Pastor a lot has happened in my life. I shared it with the world a year ago, and it has been an education. I have learned and grown so much from this experience. I have also received quite a response to my story. Not all of it has been good, in fact, the label “blasphemer” may have been used at one point, but the good has outweighed the bad. This, the good, is something I would like to share, its the good I see in how the established church has responded to me, a millennial pastor.

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If it were not for evangelism, I would not know Jesus Christ

If it were not for evangelism, I would not know Jesus Christ

Hear from Chuck, our latest guest on the Millennial Pastor Podcast. Chuck talks about how he was welcomed to the family of God because a church was willing to be inclusive instead of exclusive in how the loved their neighbor. Chuck, now a pastor, has let that shape how he works towards a more inclusive church that does the hard work of loving well.

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Engaging Meaningfully with Pop Culture

Engaging Meaningfully with Pop Culture

The Church and Pop-culture have had a tumultuous relationship at the best of times. Here a young millennial pastor speaks to how he tried redeeming the relationship between these two by pointing out the truths both profess. If you haven’t heard the podcast, be sure to check it out after you read a little of Matt’s take on meaningful​ engagement with pop culture.

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Trigger Warning

Trigger Warning

This post might trigger you, you might get mad, maybe you won't... I honestly don't know anymore. The world is weird ya'll, and church folks are being all kinds of unpredictable. But First, a Word From Our Sponsors I wrote a book, which is why I have this website,...

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