Add Your Voice
Reseach shows us that the church is struggling, particularly when it comes to engaging younger generations. Take a look for yourself:
The Reality of “Church” Today
Percent of teens who leave the church at 18
* You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church And Rethinking Faith – David Kinnaman (Pg. 22-23)
Aging Church Leadership
Average Age of Pastors
In 1992 the average age of Protestant clergy was 44
In 2017 the average age of Protestant clergy is 55
Current breakdown by age:
- Pastors Under 40 15%
- Pastors 44 – 55 35%
- Pastors 56 – 64 33%
- Pastors 65+ 17%
Rise of the “Nones”
Percent of Millennials Now considered "Nones"
- % of Millennials who are Evangelical 21%
- % of Millennials Who are Protestant 11%
- % Of Millennials Who Are Catholic 16%
The term “nones” simply means no religious affiliation or faith community allegiance.
Research: Pew Research – Millennials increasingly are driving growth of ‘nones’